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How I Use FeedDemon

In his post about switching to Windows, Jeremy Zawodny mentions that he’s trying out FeedDemon but he’s not sure whether it suits him. By default, FeedDemon acts much like an email client simply because that’s how most people are used to receiving information, and that’s probably not Jeremy’s style – but I’m willing to bet that FeedDemon can be customized to meet his needs.

Chances are, there are a number of power users like Jeremy who don’t like the email metaphor, and quite honestly I’m one of them – I don’t use FeedDemon like an email client at all. Instead, I’ve configured it in a way that lets me scan the headlines from a couple hundred feeds with very little time or effort:

If you’re trying out FeedDemon and aren’t sure whether you like how it works, try using it like I do and see if it makes a difference.

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