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Zappa on iTunes

As some of you know, I’m a bit of a Frank Zappa fan. So I was pleasantly surprised this morning to discover that 48 Frank Zappa albums are now available on iTunes. Given that Zappa himself proposed a very iTunes-like idea way back in 1983, it’s about time his work appeared on iTunes.

If you haven’t listened to Zappa before, it can be duanting figuring out where to start – partly because he was so prolific, but also because so much of his stuff is crap (yeah, I know I’ll get dinged by Zappa-heads for that, but it’s true). So here’s an iMix I created which I hope will be a good introduction to his music.

I should warn readers that Zappa wasn’t exactly politically correct, so he’s not for the easily-offended. If you’d rather skip his sometimes raunchy lyrics, try this iMix of Zappa instrumentals instead.

Update: Sadly, Zappa is no longer available on iTunes – here’s why.

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