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Almost Human

It has been just over two weeks since my surgery, and I’m finally starting to feel human again. The first week or so after the operation I wasn’t able to ride in a car without getting overwhelmingly dizzy, but now I find I can ride for short periods of time without feeling like a drunk teenager.

Yesterday I finally got a haircut, so I also look more human than I did right after the procedure. It got pretty annoying looking in the mirror every morning and seeing such a lopsided mop of hair on my head (not to mention the fact that I had just one sideburn). Next week I get the staples removed from my head, too, which should make me look a lot less like “Frankendaddy” (that’s what my six-year-old son called me – I think my brother put him up to it).

But the thing that has helped me more than anything was reading all the great comments in reply to my “signs of life” post. A recent study showed that “about one-half of bloggers keep a blog because it serves as a form of therapy,” and I believe it – I’m sure my first week of recovery was far better than it might of been because of your comments, so my deepest thanks to all who passed along words of encouragement.

Of course, I’m chomping at the bit to start coding again (yes, I’m an addict), but I’m forcing myself not to. And it has been hard not to blog about all the big stories I’ve read during my recovery, but again, I’m forcing myself not to. I have started wading through some of the email that has accumulated in the past two weeks, but I know it will be a while before I have the energy to catch up completely.

In the meantime, I’m watching a lot of DVDs, reading a few books, and taking my dog for more walks than she’s used to (she’s gonna hate it when I’m better). I have to admit, I’m pretty bored right now – I’m used to being very active – but I’m sure that the downtime will do me some good in the long run.

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