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Exercise and the Imbalanced Man

Well, it has now been two months since I had my head examined, and things continue to get better – a lot better, in fact.

The only thing that’s still affecting me to any real degree is the tinnitus in my left ear. If it just stayed the same pitch it wouldn’t be a big deal – I could learn to ignore it – but it has the really annoying habit of changing pitch. Even more annoying is the fact that it often changes pitch around 2am, waking me out of a dead sleep that’s often hard to get back into (which, btw, explains some of those posts I’ve made in the FeedDemon beta forum while most sane people are still asleep).

One thing that has helped get me “back on my feet” is yoga, which I started doing a couple of weeks ago. Convincing myself to do yoga wasn’t easy – for starters, I’m not what you would call the “yoga type,” so I had to make some personality adjustments to consider the idea. Overall it’s been really helpful, but attempting some of the balance poses after having a balance nerve removed has been a humbling experience (but I imagine yoga would be humbling even with your balance nerves intact).

I’ve also started going to the gym again, and that has likewise been humbling. Exercises that wouldn’t have phased me a few months ago now leave me so sore that I walk funny the next day. But I figure the fact that I’m able to get back to regular exercise after such a nasty operation is a good thing, silly walks notwithstanding.

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