12 thoughts on “Google, YouTube and Copyright

  1. I believe it’s more likely that the link will be around now that Google owns YouTube.
    Do they own YouTube?
    I would imagine that Michelle Malkin is happy about that since most if not all of her YouTube videos have been yanked by YouTube.

  2. We’re doing an experiment on a collaboratively filtered realtime discussion. PLease join us to the following discussion:
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  3. It depends on what deals they make with the actual content holders. Google has far more to lose than YouTube did (as an independent company).
    Google may have more pull to encourage rights holders to allow the material to be used, but if the rights holder says No, Google is going to have to respect that.
    FWIW, that’s basically what happened with Google’s book scanning project. They said they were going to do it and any author could object and have their material removed.

  4. LOTD: October 10 – Google+YouTube Edition

    Yeah, yeah, Google, YouTube, blah blah blah. Oh, wait. See what the founders have to say about the merger. Much like myself, Nick Bradbury wonders whether or not YouTube’s purchase by Google will make it more or less likely that…

  5. Holy crap. What a great performance! I remember SEEING that when it originally happened, though I don’t remember what that’s from. Maybe from the Who’s movie, The Kids are Alright? Anyway, thanks hugely for sharing that, Nick! It made my day!
    And THAT’s what makes YouTube such a joy.

  6. I don’t recall the figure, but wasn’t the site bought for a HUGE amount of cash? Anyone know the amount?

  7. This battle for copyright will be going without end. Though, such monster as Google can do something. They surely count this situation when has acquired YouTube.

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