Site icon Nick Bradbury

Enough to Make a Grown Man Cry

This weekend was the kickoff for a local marathon training program that I joined.  I haven’t been running too much lately, so I figured I should do some extra stretching beforehand just to make sure my leg muscles weren’t too tight.

The best place to stretch in my house is near my HDTV, because there’s a decent amount of floor space in front of it.  Now, I’m not a big TV watcher, but I have to admit, I love my HDTV.  After my company was acquired by NewsGator, I celebrated by purchasing a home entertainment system, and the HDTV was the centerpiece.

Anyway, towards the end of my stretch routine I began doing a quad stretch, which is done on one foot.  Unfortunately, I’ve never been the most coordinated person, and having my left balance nerve removed last year certainly didn’t help matters.

Can you see where this is headed?

Yeah, I lost my balance.  And yeah, I fell into the TV.  And I use the word “into” on purpose, because when my shoulder hit the TV, the screen busted and fell into the TV set.

I can take a lot of things, but no man should have to witness the death of his HDTV.  Especially when he’s the one who killed it.

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