Site icon Nick Bradbury

One Problem With Making Your Software Free…

…is that it’s easy to dismiss what people want, because they’re not giving you money for it.

Sure, I enjoy making money as much as the next guy or gal, but I’m really doing this because it’s fun.  I like writing software, and I’m going to keep writing it until my fingers break off. 

There’s no point in creating software in a vacuum – you’ve got to make it useful, make it scratch an itch, for it to be truly rewarding.  And to do that, you’ve got to listen.  You’ve got to pay attention to what people are asking for and what they’re complaining about.

So, regardless of whether you’ve paid for FeedDemon in the past or you’re a new user now that it’s free, I’m not going to stop listening.  It wouldn’t be fun otherwise.

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