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Speed Read with FeedDemon’s "Next" Button

When people first use FeedDemon, they often treat their unread articles the same as they do their unread email.  They read every single article, and only mark them as read after they’ve actually looked at them.

But after they use FeedDemon for a while, it dawns on them that reading feeds isn’t the same as reading email.  They don’t have to read everything – in fact, they can’t read everything, because they’ve subscribed to so many feeds that they can’t possible read them all.

At this point, they start skimming the headlines looking for interesting articles, and just mark the rest of them as read without even reading them.  Before long, though, even this seems like too much work, and they look for a better way to blast through their unread articles.

This is when FeedDemon’s "Next" button becomes incredibly valuable.  This unassuming button – which resides on the toolbar above FeedDemon’s browser – marks every article on the current page as read, and then moves to the next page that contains unread articles.  If there aren’t anymore unread articles in the current feed, this button automatically moves to the next feed that has unread articles.

If you haven’t discovered this button yet, I encourage you to start using it.  You can power your way through hundreds of unread articles in a very short time by flagging the ones that look interesting (or opening them in a new browser tab), and then clicking "Next" to move to the next page.  Once you’ve finished going through your unread articles, you can then read just the ones that looked interesting.

This is how I deal with all the stuff I’m subscribed to (and it’s another reason why using great titles is so important).

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