Google Reader Authentication Change

Earlier this year, the Google folks announced a change to how applications like FeedDemon should authenticate with Reader.  Later this week, the old authentication system will be dropped.

FeedDemon has used the new authentication method ever since version, which was released several months ago.  If you’re using an older version, you’ll want to update to the latest version right away – otherwise, synchronization may no longer work for you.

PS: Sorry for the prolonged silence here – my family is in the middle of a move which turned out to be far more complicated than we planned!

6 thoughts on “Google Reader Authentication Change

  1. From a new user of feeddemon:
    The newsgator forum you provide as a link on the Comment page does not exist.
    My suggestion is that feeddemon provide queuing for downloading podcasts. In my browser, added downloads initially say “downloading” but soon change to “Failed – click to restart.” So, I am reduced to returning to feedstation repeatedly to “click,” which often fails and I have to return to feeddemon to repeat my download requests.
    Thanks for your attention,

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