Running (wheeze) again

Today was my first run since well before my surgery, and it felt great to finally be active again.

The downside, though, is that I was huffing and puffing before the first mile – a far cry from the effortless nine milers I was doing a few months ago. Of course, I attribute part of this to my eight week “beer and pizza” recovery program, which led me to gain more than a few extra pounds (ahh, but it was worth it!).

Anyway…it’s nice to start to feel like myself again, despite the fact that I now have a hunk of metal in my neck.

4 thoughts on “Running (wheeze) again

  1. Glad to hear that you’re finally able to run again! I am also following your beer and pizza recovery program; the bad part is, I’m recovering from anything! :)

  2. I meant to say in my previous comment that I’m *not* recovering from anything. :-)

  3. cool work you have done the past few years – nice to see that you are feeling better and its good to hear you are back in the exercise game again. I have been getting back into it after a year of ‘beer and pizza’ recovery and I have found jump rope is great for winding me up again – anyway, keep up the good stuff

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