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Hulk Foot

The other day I was having a great run through my neighborhood – I got into “the zone” right away and stayed there.  Unfortunately, I zoned out so much that I didn’t notice a chunk of rock in the road until I stepped on it, causing my foot to twist so hard that the outside of my ankle hit the road.

By the time I limped home, my ankle had swollen up like a gluttonous tick, and my foot had become a rainbow of zombie-like green and purple shades.  Upon seeing my colorful new injury, my kids named me “Hulk Foot.”

I had it examined the next day, and the doctor kept saying “uh-oh” as he pressed various places on my ankle.  Here’s a note to any physician reading this post: don’t ever say “uh-oh” when you’re examining someone.  Doing so makes the patient sweat more than necessary.

Anyway, long story short, I have a high ankle sprain, which apparently is much worse that a “normal” sprain.  Looks like I won’t be running for several weeks!

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