
In my early twenties I met a wonderful girl named Melissa. In previous relationships I felt like an outsider, but with her I was so at ease. We were young & stupid and let it slip away, but I always looked back on her as the one that got away.

Thirty-ish years later I was walking my dogs in a nearby park and I ran into Melissa. I couldn’t believe it was her, and I couldn’t believe she lived just a few miles away.

We walked and talked for a while that morning, and continued to walk and talk for weeks after. We pretended to be platonic, but I knew I loved her. One day I held her hand and it was the most connected I ever felt with someone.

We went through a lot to get to this point, but on January 1, 2019, we married. “Here Comes the Sun” played as she walked down the aisle, because that’s what she is to me. Our wedding dance was to “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life,” which was when my friends and family learned I really can’t dance.

We love doing so many things together – hot yoga, running, hiking, martinis, and so much more – but our favorite thing is live music. In the past few years I’ve seen more concerts than I’ve seen in my entire life.

Roger Waters, Metallica, Buddy Guy, Beck, Primus, Rolling Stones, Trombone Shorty, Hamilton, Tool, Dweezil Zappa, Wilco, Aerosmith, Joe Bonamassa, Gary Clark Jr, Anthrax, George Clinton, Jonny Lang, Foo Fighters, the list goes on.

These days, of course, our concert-going has been put on pause. But we’re still having fun.

To keep us sane in lockdown, my wonderful wife filled the yard with toys. We have a badminton net, bean bag toss, croquet, hoppity hops, and a tiny kiddie pool to cool off in. We also bought inflatable paddle boards and kayaks so we can enjoy a nearby lake.

We don’t know where things are headed in this country, but we do know that we’ll continue to live a life of love, laughter, and music. I’m so glad for that morning in the park, and so glad I’m finally sharing this story with you.

8 thoughts on “Melissa

  1. Nick,
    it was really nice to hear your love story. Not everybody gets a chance to meet such life companion.
    As I’m everyday user of your FeedDemon, I’m subscribed to your blog and with this comment I’d like to express one enormous “thank you” for such an application that I’m using for 16 years.
    Best regards from Croatia,


    1. Thanks, Dean! So glad to hear you’re still using FeedDemon – that put a big smile on my face.

  2. Hi Nick,

    That’s such a wonderful story :-) I glad it worked out for you.

    Like Dean, I’m also a big-time FeedDemon user, in fact I use it literally every day to keep up with the technologies I follow. I also recommend it to anyone if the situation should arise! Thank you for the app and for your altruistic donation to the community when you were unable to continue the maintenance. (Maybe it could go open-source?!)

    All the best wishes to you and Melissa!

    From the UK

  3. That’s a great story of rekindled love! Congrats to you both.

  4. Congrats Nick! My wife and I have a similar story, met in college, mostly lost touch, then met up again years later.

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