FeedDemon 2.5: What else is there?

Over the past few days, I’ve highlighted some of the big additions to FeedDemon 2.5.  But as you can see from the release notes, there are a ton of other new features.  I can’t possibly describe them all here, but there are a few I’d like to mention:

  • “Dinosaur” report (lists feeds that haven’t updated recently) [screenshot]
  • “History of Auto-Discovered Feeds” (similar in concept to your web browser’s history – shows feeds that have been auto-discovered while browsing inside FeedDemon) [screenshot]
  • Ability to choose which feeds to show in the desktop alert (you’ll love this if you rely on FeedDemon’s popup desktop alert to tell you about new posts)
  • Support for slash:comments (see the number of comments a post has)
  • Synchronization of flagged items
  • Dozens of performance improvements throughout

All in all, FeedDemon 2.5 is a significant release (it really should’ve been named FeedDemon 3.0), and I think it’s a big improvement over previous versions.  But don’t just take my word for it – check out what others are saying: